Ungkapan Pengulangan
Asking For Repetition
Ungkapan-ungkapan Pengulangan
"Asking for repetition" secara harfiah berarti meminta pengulangan. Jika dijabarkan lebih lanjut "Asking for repetition" bisa diartikan sebagai permintaan seseorang untuk mengulangi penjelasan atau jawaban dari orang lain. Meminta orang lain untuk mengulangi penjelasan atau jawaban bukan berarti kita tuli dan tidak mendengar apa yang diucapkan orang lain; akan tetapi "asking for repetition" lebih menekankan bahwa kita ingin mendengarkan jawaban atau penjelasan dengan lebih terang lagi.
Di tempat keramaian atau di telpon kadang kita menemukan kesulitan mendengar apa yang dikatakan orang lain kepada kita, untuk meminta pengulangan kata-kata atau kalimat yang diucapkan orang lain tersebut dalam bahasa Inggris dapat kita gunakan ungkapan-ungkapan pengulangan seperti :
· Would you mind saying that again?
· Pardon
· Pardon me
· I bag your pardon
· Sorry!
· Could you repeat once again?
· Could you repeat once again, please?
· I’m sorry I can’t catch what you said
· What did you say?
· I’m sorry. I can’t hear you.
· Would you mind repeating that?
· Sorry, what did you say
Contoh Asking For Repetition :
Rina : Hello Dewi. Look at my new purse. I made it by myself.
Dewi : Hello, Rina. Hey, that's nice. Isn't that your old purse? The one that we bought one year ago?
Rina : Yeah, that's right.
Dewi : How did you do that?
Rina : Sorry, What did you say?
Dewi : How did you do that, Rina?
Rina : Oh, well, first, I just added some colorful buttons. Then, four-five glittery beads. Finally, I gave my magic finishing touch, he.. he..
Mr. Budi and his family are having holiday now. His children Osha and Fara are very happy. They are at the Sawunggalih hotel now.
Receptionist : What can I do for you, Sir?
Mr. Budi : I’d like to book two rooms.
Receptionist : Your name please?
Mr. Budi : Budi Susanto
Receptionist : I beg your pardon, please
Mr. Budi : Budi Susanto
Receptionist : Your address?
Mr. Budi : Jl. RA Kartini no. 15 Bekasi
Receptionist : Okay, you get rooms 4 and 5
Mr. Budi : Thank you
Contoh soal :
1. Awan : You look very happy, Dinda. What happened?
Dinda : Guess what? I got an “A” on my English test.
Awan : Sorry? … It’s very noisy here. I can hardly hear you.
Dinda : I said, “I got an “A” on my English test.”
Awan : Really? That’s fantastic.
a. What did you say?
b. Is it important?
c. Can you believe it?
d. How come?
2. Anton : Hello, can I speak to Prabowo?
Prabowo's Mother : Sorry, I didn’t catch what you said. Can you repeat again, please?
The underlined phrase is showing ….
a. certainty
b. Agreement
c. Repetition
d. hesitation
3. Which of the following sentence is asking for repetition?
A. Sorry, I’m not so sure.
B. Well, that’s all right.
C. Sorry, I beg your pardon, sir?
D. Really?
4. Which of the following sentence is the respond of asking for repetition?
A. Do you understand?.
B. What did you say?.
C. Ok. Listen it well.
D. Really?
Note : hey yo...!!!??? *apaan sih?? posting tentang pelajaran bahasa inggris ini, aku tulis soalnya,, *apa coba?? aku baru dapet tugas dari guru,, eh malah ada masalah sama gurunya..ckckck,,, jadi sedikit *ehem sebel sih,, tapi gak papa yang penting happy aja deh....hohoho~ /loh kok jadi curcol deh???/ oke, disini aku cuman copas jadi nanti aku kasih link dari blog sebenarnya...^^
Thankyou dah baca ^^
source : http://www.englishindo.com/2012/02/asking-for-repetition-gimana-sih.html
*tuh dah ku kasih link-na,, jadi aku jujur emg copas,, soalnya ini juga tugas,,, kekeke~ (-/\-) maafkan saya ƪ˘⌣˘┐ƪ˘⌣˘ʃ┌˘⌣˘ʃ
Asking For Repetition
Ungkapan-ungkapan Pengulangan
"Asking for repetition" secara harfiah berarti meminta pengulangan. Jika dijabarkan lebih lanjut "Asking for repetition" bisa diartikan sebagai permintaan seseorang untuk mengulangi penjelasan atau jawaban dari orang lain. Meminta orang lain untuk mengulangi penjelasan atau jawaban bukan berarti kita tuli dan tidak mendengar apa yang diucapkan orang lain; akan tetapi "asking for repetition" lebih menekankan bahwa kita ingin mendengarkan jawaban atau penjelasan dengan lebih terang lagi.
Di tempat keramaian atau di telpon kadang kita menemukan kesulitan mendengar apa yang dikatakan orang lain kepada kita, untuk meminta pengulangan kata-kata atau kalimat yang diucapkan orang lain tersebut dalam bahasa Inggris dapat kita gunakan ungkapan-ungkapan pengulangan seperti :
· Would you mind saying that again?
· Pardon
· Pardon me
· I bag your pardon
· Sorry!
· Could you repeat once again?
· Could you repeat once again, please?
· I’m sorry I can’t catch what you said
· What did you say?
· I’m sorry. I can’t hear you.
· Would you mind repeating that?
· Sorry, what did you say
Contoh Asking For Repetition :
Rina : Hello Dewi. Look at my new purse. I made it by myself.
Dewi : Hello, Rina. Hey, that's nice. Isn't that your old purse? The one that we bought one year ago?
Rina : Yeah, that's right.
Dewi : How did you do that?
Rina : Sorry, What did you say?
Dewi : How did you do that, Rina?
Rina : Oh, well, first, I just added some colorful buttons. Then, four-five glittery beads. Finally, I gave my magic finishing touch, he.. he..
Mr. Budi and his family are having holiday now. His children Osha and Fara are very happy. They are at the Sawunggalih hotel now.
Receptionist : What can I do for you, Sir?
Mr. Budi : I’d like to book two rooms.
Receptionist : Your name please?
Mr. Budi : Budi Susanto
Receptionist : I beg your pardon, please
Mr. Budi : Budi Susanto
Receptionist : Your address?
Mr. Budi : Jl. RA Kartini no. 15 Bekasi
Receptionist : Okay, you get rooms 4 and 5
Mr. Budi : Thank you
Contoh soal :
1. Awan : You look very happy, Dinda. What happened?
Dinda : Guess what? I got an “A” on my English test.
Awan : Sorry? … It’s very noisy here. I can hardly hear you.
Dinda : I said, “I got an “A” on my English test.”
Awan : Really? That’s fantastic.
a. What did you say?
b. Is it important?
c. Can you believe it?
d. How come?
2. Anton : Hello, can I speak to Prabowo?
Prabowo's Mother : Sorry, I didn’t catch what you said. Can you repeat again, please?
The underlined phrase is showing ….
a. certainty
b. Agreement
c. Repetition
d. hesitation
3. Which of the following sentence is asking for repetition?
A. Sorry, I’m not so sure.
B. Well, that’s all right.
C. Sorry, I beg your pardon, sir?
D. Really?
4. Which of the following sentence is the respond of asking for repetition?
A. Do you understand?.
B. What did you say?.
C. Ok. Listen it well.
D. Really?
Note : hey yo...!!!??? *apaan sih?? posting tentang pelajaran bahasa inggris ini, aku tulis soalnya,, *apa coba?? aku baru dapet tugas dari guru,, eh malah ada masalah sama gurunya..ckckck,,, jadi sedikit *ehem sebel sih,, tapi gak papa yang penting happy aja deh....hohoho~ /loh kok jadi curcol deh???/ oke, disini aku cuman copas jadi nanti aku kasih link dari blog sebenarnya...^^
Thankyou dah baca ^^
source : http://www.englishindo.com/2012/02/asking-for-repetition-gimana-sih.html
*tuh dah ku kasih link-na,, jadi aku jujur emg copas,, soalnya ini juga tugas,,, kekeke~ (-/\-) maafkan saya ƪ˘⌣˘┐ƪ˘⌣˘ʃ┌˘⌣˘ʃ
thx bung